AWD Outbreak & Call for Action for Ethio-Somali Region

Project for UNOPS

The climate change in the southern Ethiopia of Somali region has caused a hard draught hit that affected the nomadic life style of the Somali people of Ethiopia. The drought doesn’t just cause hunger, it causes Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) as it makes people so desperate for water and they drink heavily contaminated water. Thousands of people were exposed to acute watery diarrhea and thousands have lost their lives.

As the Somali region of Ethiopia was stuck by a public health crisis in 2017, the international community called for a speedy response. UNOPS supports the regional health Bureau on AWD outbreak. The project started on late May 2017. UNOPS supports the RHB and UN agencies by providing transportation and dispatching supplies to zones and weredas. UNOPS provided 60 vehicles and 7 big trucks, to transport the supplies and human resource. It helped to transport health workers and the vehicles are being used as an ambulance. More over UNOPS pays per diem to the health workers through Mobile banking service as the regional health bureau was on budget constraints.